November 18-19, 2023, the main Shows of the year in Russia — “Eurasia 2023”, Moscow

Our kennel has submitted for examination 8 dogs of different ages (3 males and 5 females).
Exclusive Star August (Exclusive Star Grand Prix x Nevskiy Tserber Ultra Nate).
Working class – 2 / 8 , RCW, RCAC, CC .

Leroy Jackson iz Zoosfery (Sebastian iz Zoosfery + Iris Mia iz Zoosfery) workinf class 3 excellent.

EXCLUSIVE STAR JASMINE (Toretto del Tibur + Domerona Сamea dlya Exclusive Star) intermediate class – RCW, RCAC, CC.

In junior class – Exclusive Star Intriga ( Jean Valjean iz Zoosfery x Infanta iz Zoosfery) –  first day ” very good”, second day- ” excellent”.

Our youngest puppies showed up successfully и from litter – ( Leroy Jackson iz Zoosfery + Eria Pro Wendy).
The first day in baby class Exclusive Star F`Emmy Avard  – 4 / 7.

The second day:
Exclusive Star Fakt2 / 4 -” vp”, RCW;
Exclusive Star Fantinel –  2 /5 – “vp”, RCW.
Their mother Eria Pro Wendy in working class  ” excellent”.

Maria Remizova showed our dogs perfectly both days. At the photo: Fakt, August, Jasmine and Fantinel.